Kokand to host the Second International Handicrafters Festival

09.07.2021 20:07:37

A government resolution was adopted on measures to organize and hold the Second International Handicrafters Festival in Kokand.

The resolution approved the composition of the Organizing Committee for the organization and holding of the Second International Handicrafters Festival in the city of Kokand in 2022, as well as the corresponding roadmap.

To attract talented artisans and youth to participate in the festival, exhibitions and contests will be organized in two stages:

the first stage – in April 2022 in districts (cities);

the second stage – in June 2022 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent.

The conduction of this festival is stipulated by Presidential Decree No. DP-5841 of October 3, 2019.


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